Tuesday, 9 June 2009

New ideas..............

I woke up this morning with all the best intentions of giving my house a good blitz and getting on top of the laundry but as I've sat with my morning cuppa I've had a couple of ideas for some new pieces ( and this time I will remember to write them down as I have a brain like a sieve at the minute) so maybe the cleaning will have to wait a while longer
While I was browsing the net I came across this lovely site on etsy
some very pretty designs and something I have been researching to do myself for a couple of weeks, I have the basics and just need a bit of time and money to have a try....so watch this space

I have also fallen in love with these

by the very talented http://www.bodrighy.co.uk/

I think they would make fantastic garden features , they are so earthy and natural

I will do a mad dash clean and then sit and work on my ideas so hopefully I will have a new design to post later


  1. I love those wooden vessels too! Can't wait to see where your inspiration takes you :D

  2. Ooh can't wait to see the preserved flowers and I love the wooden pieces too. The bottom one looks like a fairy home...
